Thursday, 10 October 2013

Kingswood - Day 4 (Evening)

Well, our final full day at Kingswood is over. The children are packed and are in bed.

We still have more activities tomorrow morning before we head off after lunch. I think everyone will sleep well on the coach!

Here are the children busting a groove at the disco...


  1. OMG James! It actually looks like you washed your hair!! Really can't wait to see you later matey. Love you lots Mum and Callum xxxxx

  2. Yo Meg, Love the picture where you girls only seem to have 4 fingers each, the cargo nett must be more dangerous than i thought !!!. Enjoy your last morning and dont forget to thank Kingswood staff. Mum cant wait to see you, she so exsited she's had her hair, nails and eybrows done in celebration ? Have a safe journey home, love you lots Daddy, Mummy and Lauren. xxxxxxxxx
